Monday, June 11, 2012

On Your Toes!

 Today is releve day.  I enjoy releves.  They seem to make everything shorter, or perhaps they make me taller, or a little bit of both. :D  Anyways, I would like to adress the subject of sickled feet in releve.  We are going to focus on 3/4 releve, not full pointe.

There are two main mistakes that can be made in a releve, and both are consequences of sickling the foot either out or in.  Pictures of these are below:

 As you can notice in picture #1, I am leaning on the big toe for support and the pinky toe and the fourth toes aren't even touching the ground.  This is sickling forward.  The feet can look more "archy" and "beautiful" in this position because the ankle is rolling forward, but all toes must be reaching for the ground and preferable touching it.  Keep the ankles forward, but don't sacrifice by lifting your toes from the ground.

Number 2 is also brought about by sickling, but sickling backwards. This often occurs when you begin to let go of the barre, because your balance gets off.  Now the weight is on your pinky, fourth and middle toes, and the ankles are rotating back.  Try to feel as if a magnetic force was pulling your heels towards each other, and turn out your entire leg so that your heels come forward.

This is the "correct" position, or as correct as I could get it.  In reality, my heels should be slightly more forward and my pinky toe touching the ground.

Hints on how to improve your releve will come soon!

The joy of the Lord is my strength!


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